The modern state is but the executive of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois dictators are the "board of directors" to this "executive". Clinton is an agent of "them" , but they fire their agents. Presidents have to be scandalized to keep them under control. It is not a permanent job, and one's power must be punctured so as not to carryover after one's term. Even Reagan's teflon coating had to be scraped off some with Iran -Contragate.
Historically on the privacy and secrecy of the bourgeoisie, it seems that the bourgeoisie have learned from prior ruling classes (feudal and slave) that being showy and celebrities can be a vulnerability. Everybody knows that the king is in charge, but those in charge in capitalism are relatively anonymous, have no "direct" hand in politics ( yea , right). In other words, the anonymity and secrecy of the bourgeoisie is part of their method of dulling and fooling working class consciousness of who is really running the show. The Presidents and other government leaders , politicians, are the fronts and fall guys, so that the bourgeoisie are not blamed for their system's failures.
Charles Brown
Workers of the West, it's our turn.
>>> Carl Remick <cremick at> 10/14 11:22 AM >>>
Re Charles: "The Starr Chamber. If they can do
it to the President, they can do it to
Actually, officials and the media seem to be very solicitous about *certain* parties' privacy. Reading coverage of the Long-Term Capital Management fiasco, I was struck not only by remarks about how secretive the LTCM partners are, but also by the apparent willingness to *honor* their preference for secrecy, even now.
Carl Remick