Archie Bunker's Nightmare

Tom Lehman uswa12 at
Fri Oct 30 08:51:15 PST 1998

Dear Atty. Brown,

I'll have to search the Plunkitt archives for the answer to that one.

I do have manuscript copies of the George Washington Plunkitt correspondence course taken by Joseph Dugashivili. It was obtained for me out of a secret vault in the Carpathian mountains by the mysterious Igor.( sometimes pronounced eye-gore). I am busily translating them one word at a time and should be finished sometime in the middle of the next century. Give or take a few years.

Meanwhile, in the unpublished works of Joseph I.F. Dugashivili vol.13 Page666, it states, " it was really studying that great American revolutionary George Washington Plunkitt that pushed me over the edge." n.b. I won this unpublished masterpiece in a crap game in the backroom of the Russo-Slav club as a consolation prize.

Humbly yours, Tom

Charles Brown wrote:

> >>> Tom Lehman
> A little triva did you know that Leo Toltsky, Nick "the geek" Bukahirin
> and other famous dead Russians were once part of George Washington
> Plunkitts team back in the old days in little olde New York? Also, did
> you now that V.I. Ullanov in his collected works vol.13, page 198,
> says," I owe it all to the "great" George Washington Plunkitt."
> ___________
> Charles: Wasn't his grandson Jim Plunkett an
> Indian who was a quarterback in the NFL ?
> Charles Brown
> Detroit

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