Deep throat or shallow press?

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Mon Sep 14 08:37:03 PDT 1998

At 10:06 PM 9/12/98 -0400, MScoleman wrote:
>I think Clinton has acted like a real cad (to use an old fashioned term) and
>if I was Hillary I'd kick his ass or be dunning him for every cent he has and
>ever will have, and if I was Monica I'd be suing the shit out of him too.

I bet 95% of men would do exactly the same thing. An aging guy, besieged by problems and enemies, being given attention by an attractive young woman who "makes him feel young again?" Most men would "swap the heads with their dicks" (as the saying in my old country goes) in such situations - few of them have enough will power to refuse to be led by their penises.

If I were Slick Willy, I'd defend myself playing this card, by turning the Starr report into a melodrama of an old guy falling in love with a young woman. This way, he'd show he has human feelings, and most people would love him for that. Pathetic, but true.

>However, I really, really can't see what this has to do with impeachment, nor

Impeachment is a political act, not a trial in the court of law. If your political opponents can get away with usung it against you, then you're out. Unfair? Perhaps, but such are the rules of the game.

On the other hand, Clinton's impeachment may have the positive effect of further weakening of the Democratic Party to the point that it will be either dumped by the big business (thus becoming more open to influence "from below") or become altogether insignificant (which may trigger some real changes in this country's political process). That, in turn, may give the Left some real chance of becoming an institutionalized feature of American politics (which will not happen as long as the Dems pass for the "left").

Of course, some will be terrified by the very prospect of the Republican control of the Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency. I admit, it is not a pleasant sight, but I've seen worse than that.

As far as the media are concerned, I stopped watching/reading that shit long time ago. I think that makes me better informed by virtue of being less disinformed than most Americans.



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