> Brad De Long wrote:
> >The image held by Krugman, Shleifer, Vishny, Boycko, and a host of others
> >(including me) of a *bourgeoisie*--of what happens when you depoliticize
> >the economy, and create a class of people who profit from market exchange
> >and economic growth--is a very old one.
> Brad, do you really think there's nothing political about a bourgeoisie?
> That there's no power relation hidden behind the money form? Do you deny
> that for a bourgeoisie to be a bourgeoisie it has to have effective control
> over the state and the ideological apparatus?
> Doug
Well, of course he denies it. deLong that's that capital is a thing.
-- http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~jones_m/frontline.htm