Tom Ferguson and the Myth of the Median Voter

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Thu Sep 24 09:14:09 PDT 1998

Assume however that the workers were able to put forth a candidate and she actually won. Would the state then have "autonomy"? Wouldn't its functions still be derived or circumscribed by capitalist relations of production, regardless of who ostensibly controlled it? More to Ferguson's point, aren't the functions the state plays in protecting the interests of the bourgeoisie as a whole, of which no capitalists can individually conceive, more important than its work it does on the behalf of this or that bloc of capitalists? And in terms of the international system, what role does the state play in attempting to nail down the most dynamic industries or sectors within its borders--that is, in the specification of the use value aspects of the international division of labor?

best, rakesh

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