One proposal of interest is a paper which has been mentioned in the press, by John Eatwell (=Lord Eatwell, Labour peer, former advisor to Neil Kinnock, but I think less in favour with the Blairites) and Lance Taylor, on International Capital Markets and the Future of Economic Policy. They argue that the last 20 years has shown that complete liberalisation of capital flows is inefficient, due to volatility and contagion, and suggest the setting up of a World Financial Authority, which they interestingly propose should also supervise the IMF and WB ! They also state "Campaigns to rewrite the IMF articles to require full capital market liberalisation by all nations, and OECD proposals to write full capital liberalisation requirements into a multilateral agreement on investment, are without sound intellectual foundation and should be abandoned". Yet the MAI negotiations are due to reopen next month, and the word is that the negotiators are still gung-ho for it.
This paper was produced as part of a series on this broad issue by a research project at the New School for Social Research in NY, and can be found on their website at
Sol Picciotto Dept of Law Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YN, UK phone (44) (0)1524-592464 e-mail s.picciotto at