
Max Sawicky sawicky at
Mon Apr 12 21:41:01 PDT 1999

> Look, the U.S. isn't slaughtering Indians wholesale as it did in the good
> old days. No one is claiming that. The point was originally raised in the
> context of the Yugo war - that if the U.S. was claiming the right to
> violate Yugoslavian sovereignty on the basis of genocide, the claim could
> be made with equal legal justification about the U.S. itself. U.S. policy
> towards Indians fits the legal definition of genocide. Maybe lots of
> Americans have a hard time believing that about their country, but it's
> true. No doubt Max Sawicky will have a mocking response to this too.

Wrong again, Dalai Henwood, prone to forgiveness of Serbian anti-imperialists. My mocking was not directed towards U.S. treatment of Indians, which was as bad as you would care to characterize it, but to the flagrant failure to exercise rational anti-imperialist faculties. Present treatment of Indians is "normal" in the sense used -- incorrectly, I would say -- by Devine re: Serbian counter-insurgency. In other words, while very bad, it is not very different than U.S. treatment of inner city minorities, Latinos in the Rio Grande valley, etc. Now if Sweden were a nation of 300 million and the U.S. 40 million, it might be reasonable to talk about the righteous Swedish social dems disciplining the U.S. into a more humane policy, but that's not the world we live in. So talking about somebody bombing the U.S. is just silly.

I even allowed that Milo's policy is not genocide, if exceedingly brutal. The proper focus -- self-determination for Kosova -- is what is key. The fellow who writes poems for the Nation used to have a funny bit about a politician's slogan, "Never been indicted." Sort of like that moralist Louis P.'s rap, "Sendero Luminoso: not as bad as you thought." The counter-part for apolgia for Serbian war crimes is "not really genocide." Maybe not, but bad enough.


"There's a bomb in this laptop, baby."

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