>It doesn't mean shit. We dwell not on liberal shibboleths on the
>rule of law. Ha! Imperialist law is more like it. No, the
>interests of the working class are paramount, and more
>specifically the national rights of Kosovars against the
>extremely brutal state-capitalist slugs ruling Serbia.
>You liberals. Um um um.
Ok, let me see if I get this straight. The point of the bombing, Clinton tells us in war reason #47, is to establish multi-ethnic democracy (in a region where the nationalists have won all the elections) and the rule of law. To do this, the U.S. violates international law, by launching an attack on a sovereign nation (as repellent as its rulers are), and the president violates U.S. law. But somehow this will reinforce the rule of law in the long run. Ingenious.