Marx and the American Civil War (was Re: Realism in Eastern Europe)

Tom Lehman TLEHMAN at
Sun Apr 18 10:58:16 PDT 1999

Dear Peter,

Either Doug or Charles Brown posted a Council of Conservative Citizens of Alabama or Mississippi website that had a painful, but, true account of the 1848 German exiles in America and their Marxist influenced thinking and participation in the American Civil War. This would definitly be a painful article for most mid-western burghers.

Your email pal,

Tom L.

Peter Kilander wrote:

> >Karl Marx was a stauch supporter of the Union or Federal side in
> >the American Civil War. During that time he wrote numerous newspaper
> >articles in support of the North and he made strenous efforts to rally
> >worker support for the North especially when it appeared that Britain
> >and other European powers were considering intervening on behalf
> >of the Confederates.
> I've heard this too (Although, Marx's writings on the subject are hard to
> find, so I've been told) I've heard that Britain was for the South but
> wasn't aware that the European powers were considering invervention.

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