Taking the red pill

Tavia tavia.nyongo at yale.edu
Tue Apr 20 12:56:07 PDT 1999


>But the special effects were great. And I did like the moments when everybody
>started talking about ideology (which, by the way, is dispelled with a red

Having serendipitously gone to multiple 'Teaching and Social Change' discussions in last week or so I am mulling over a repeated phenomena. People recall being introduced to theory--usually at the undergraduate level--as a traumatic event. They respond very much the way the Judas Iscariot character (Cypher) in the Matrix did--why didn't I just take the blue pill? That is, there is this anxiety that theory/knowledge has disrupted their lives.

It is more than just an 'ignorance is bliss' anti-intellectualism. People recurrently used words like "the ground was pulled out under me" and "I started to wonder if I had any beliefs or not". I was reminded of my own undergrad years where someone a little too jokily informed me that once I learned to deconstruct a film, I would never be able to just enjoy one again.

Anyway, I bring this up because it seems so false, or ass-backwards, in my experience. That is, I can _only_ enjoy the world when I feel I can be critical about it. I exulted in taking the red pill. Am I just wierd?


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