Video Killed the Radio Star

digloria at digloria at
Sun Apr 25 12:55:14 PDT 1999

>That they weren't but what's wrong with an analysis showing that American
>capitalist society fucks up even its privileged (or the lumpenbourgeoisie)
>too -

well you already know, Doug, that i completely agree. i think my project as a white marxist scholar ought to be about how privilege operates, how fucked up people become racists, enact and perpetuate racism, etc. thus far, i've focused on how the white upper middle class reinscribe class and gender oppressive and exploitive relations within the context of a shifting work place and world of work, but the maneuver is pretty much the same.

so you disagree with ange's use of dispossessed and disenfranchised. hadn't thought about it obviously. alienation would be better perhaps? but that fraught with all sorts of other sorts of meanings that it's difficult to use and get the theoretical meaning across. always have to spell it out.

oh and i do think it important that heterosexism might have played a role in this which is one reason i brought the salon article up. heterosexual masculinity is *all* about defining yourself against the enemy other homosexuality.


“touch yourself and you will know that i exist.” ~luce irigaray

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