Race & Murder/ Strawperson of "only racism"

kirsten neilsen kirsten at infothecary.org
Mon Apr 26 09:44:32 PDT 1999

actually, charles, this thread started with an expression of outrage from you that the media were somehow covering up or denying the racist origins of this incident. i simply countered that racism was not the primary motive for these boys' actions and that overemphasizing their racism as motivation would be a mistake. others articulated reasons why overemphasizing racism as a motive would be a mistake. furthermore, the media have not ignored the race angle or the nazi sympathy angle. you are the one who doesn't seem to have a grip. but, as you said before, "whatever."

btw as part of a response to me, via kelly, you suggested that it would have been more accurate of me to say that the isiah's father's statements contradicted earlier sentiments attributed to him by the nyt, not that he contradicted himself. i agree with this correction. my earlier statement was careless.


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