Free market economists?

S Pawlett epawlett at
Mon Apr 26 23:08:51 PDT 1999

Marta Russell wrote:

> Another dumb request.
> Can someone give me the names of a few free market economists aside from
> Milton Friedman.

There are different schools of laissez-faire economic philosophy; Austrian, Chicago and property rights. I would recommend _The Machinery of Freedom_ by Milton's son David Friedman. _The Nature of the Firm_ and _The Problem of Social Costs_ (essays) by Ronald Coase. The Fable of the Bees by Bernard Mandeville. _The Socialist Calculation Debate_ by Don Lavoie. _Anarchy, State and Utopia_ by Robert Nozick, _Libertarianism_By John Hospers, _Human Action_ by Ludwig von Mises, _The Socialist System_ by Janos Kornai, _Property Rights_ by S. Pejovich,_The Other Path_ by Hernando de Soto, _For a New Liberty_ by Murray Rothbard and _The Selfish Gene_ by Richard Dawkins. Other well known economists are A.Alchian, H Demsetz, O.Williamson, J Viner, F Knight.....

Socialist Critiques: _Anti-Libertarianism_ by Alan Haworth , _Self-Ownership, Equality and Freedom_ by G.A. Cohen. _Apostles of Greed_ by Allan Engler, _Anti-Samuelson_ by Marc Linder, _ Against Capitalism_ by David Schweikart, _Conservatism_ by Ted Honderich,


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