I am not a racist

Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 28 02:03:21 PDT 1999

Reading Doug and Carrol's points about racism I hesitate to trespass on beliefs so fundamental, but nothing ought to be above debate, so forgive me. As a general point it seems to me that both of you are so bewitched by racism that you seem to grant it supernatural powers that rise above mere human history, to become 'all-pervasive' and ever present. (I was reminded of the hymn, 'immortal, invisible God only wise')

First on the 'all-pervasiveness' of racism.

Carrol and Doug both resist my rendering of their belief as one that racism is uniform and undifferentiated (guessing that this leads logically to a quietistic view that racism is unassailable, a trap they want to avoid). But their resistance is token.

>Who said anything about it being "uniform" or "undifferentiated."

Challenges Carrol. But all-pervasive implies uniform: Its singular form is that it is all pervasive. And then he goes on to show the way that it is differentiated:

>the main (differentiated) form it takes is that of making
>it a merely individual thing

But this is clearly a sleight of hand. Carrol does not believe that racism is an individual thing, only that it presents the false appearance of being such. Consequently he means that it appears differentiated, but is not.

Similarly Doug:

>It takes different forms at different times & places. There's no pure
>racism apart from a given culture, class structure, etc.

A formulation which pays lip service to historical materialism, but only really to dismiss it. Something that

takes different forms at different times & places

is a pure racism, an essence or idea that simply assumes worldly guises at different points in mundane history.

As to the nod towards Marx's formulation

>Sort of like class society, which is the history of all hitherto existing
>societies, but which take many different forms.

I always thought that this was a poor formulation on Marx's part, one that tended to substitute Hegel's 'idea' with a dehistoricised essence of 'class struggle'. But in any event, the idea that racism is something that has existed in all societies just strikes me as wrong, and ultimately to be fatalistic, like those apologists who say that it is just human nature.

To put it bluntly, racism is a modern, capitalistic ideology, quite distinct from the petty parochialisms of feudal society, or the rigid hierarchies of ancient slavery. Clearly identification with one race is not something that the Anglo-Saxons felt towards their Norman ruling class.

Second on the 'we are all racists' argument.

I realise that anyone who challenges this argument makes Carrol angry

>the most disgusting form of racism, the form which
>is the chief barrier to fighting it, is the form which includes (implicitly
>or explicitly) the claim, "I'm not racist."

But I take a different view. Rather I would say that anyone who thinks that racism is an insurmountable human condition is apologising for it.

Carrol's argument is a bit like the psycho-therapist's trap, 'you're in denial'. If you disagree, then that just shows that you are a racist.

But it seems to me that Carrol wants it both ways. First he says that it is not a personal thing, but a social thing. And then he puts great premium upon one's personal beliefs. The way I see it, I am not interested in anyone's personal prejudices, unless they put them into action in supporting racism.

My prejudice that Carrol's view of racism is drawn from psycho-analysis is reinforced by this formulation:

>the first step in
>an anti-racist is to admit to yourself that you are a racist.

Anyone who knows drug counselling or alcoholics anonymous will recognise this piece of psycho-babble. This is nothing to do with the political struggle against racism, and everything to do with personal redemption.

Maybe Carrol is troubled by such demons. I'm not.

But more to the point this is an utterly crapulous strategy for fighting racism. It is all about personal guilt (which as Freud said is pure self-indulgence) and nothing to do with addressing the problem.

Over here it is commonplace to ramble on about how we are all guilty of racism. Politicians do it here all the time - and then prove it by all voting for the new asylum bill! Every English police chief that makes a public statement now prefaces their remarks with the guilty admission that the force is 'institutionally racist' (as Merseyside's Police Chief did last night, and London's last week).

The ideology of collective guilt doesn't stop anyone from being racist. I would have thought that the German example would have demonstrated that by now. 'Oh yes, we're all guilty' was the official government policy. But that did not stop them refusing citizenship to Turkish guest workers.

In Carrol's formulation racism is some kind of psychological predisposition that we can never overcome. He should know that the AA pledge is only a secularised form of the religious dogma of original sin, that man is fallen from grace. I take a sunnier view of things. There is a problem. Let's deal with it. But erecting it into an all- powerful fetish that can never be beaten is not really the best way to address a problem. It's the best way to wallow in it. -- Jim heartfield

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