race & murder

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at adelaide.edu.au
Wed Apr 28 21:46:37 PDT 1999

At 23:31 25/04/99 PDT, Jordan wrote:

>And hey: can we stop calling these two "kids" ...?
>Dylan Kelbold was 18. That's an adult according to the legal system
>here in the US. Eric Harris was 17; several *dozen* felonies later
>(most with 'extra circumstances' including significant weapons charges
>[sawed-off shotguns are a big no-no, pipe bombs likewise] and wearing
>masks!), you can be sure he would have been tried as an adult. Note
>that both of them had been through the juvenile detention system for
>property crimes; no doubt they had other (non-prosecuted) criminal

What would you call them then? I would like to hear your definition of 'kids'.


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