Falwell on Littleton

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Fri Apr 30 09:17:14 PDT 1999

According to the Rev. Mel White's weekly newsletter...

>On his call-in television program yesterday, Jerry Falwell agreed with a gay
>caller that "this hate business is not acceptable on either side." But then,
>after making it clear that the killers in Colorado were gay, he said: "They
>asked a whole room full of students lying on the floor '...if you're a
>born-again Christian stand!' A little 18 year old girl - who had just led
>someone to Christ - stood and they blew her away because she was a Christian."
>Jerry made it clear. They were gay and they killed Christians.
>Is it true? It might be. But no one knows for certain what happened at
>Columbine High School or why. Whether Eric and Dylan were or were not gay,
>this is another example of Jerry's willingness to use unsupported rumors and
>dangerous half-truths in his tragic campaign to demean and dehumanize sexual
>minorities. Apparently it isn't enough for Jerry to say 'You can't be gay
>and Christian." Yesterday, he claimed on network television that two gay
>boys killed an innocent Christian girl.

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