Faking what democracy?

Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Tue Aug 3 05:21:50 PDT 1999

In message < at pop.gn.apc.org>, Chris Burford <cburford at gn.apc.org> writes


>>Dr David Chandler, author of Bosnia: Faking Democracy after Dayton, even
>>suggests that "autonomy for Kosovo under the UN and Nato is increasingly
>>looking no more democratic than life under the old Yugoslav regime".

and asks the question

>What democracy is being faked? What is the idealist concept of democracy by
>which we can see Bosnia is a fake?
>Is Democracy in the UK not also a fake??

Chris ignores the obvious difference that people in Britain, however deluded, elect their political leaders, while people in Bosnia have their High Representative appointed by officials of the EU. (Read David Chandler's Bosnia: Faking Democracy After Dayton, Pluto, 1999)

In ignoring the difference between formal democracy in Britain and actual dictatorship in Bosnia, Chris is returning to a long-standing Stalinist tradition of poo-pooing questions of democratic rights as 'mere illusion'. It was this false-hard pose that led Chris' party to insist that the accession of Fascism in Germany was just more of the same, and indistinguishable from the 'social-Fascism' represented by the Social Democratic Party. -- Jim heartfield

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