ANSWER: Name this socialist

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Aug 12 03:48:26 PDT 1999

Rob Schaap wrote:

>G'day Doug et al,
>You quote JB:
> >"And how does the new orthodoxy on the Left work in tandem
> >with a social and sexual conservativism that seeks to make questions
> >of race and sexuality secondary to the 'real' business of
> >politics...."
>I keep blathering on about Albert and Hahnel's *Unorthodox Marxism* (1979)
>- do these blokes not address this head-on in a congenially practical way?
>Is Butler scratching where it needn't itch - or am I missing something

Dunno, I ain't read it. I was referring to the pruritogenic Max.


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