Labor Party on abortion

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Thu Aug 12 12:16:42 PDT 1999

>By the way, here's the Labor Party's platform position on abortion
><>. They support:
>"Unimpeded access to a full range of family planning and reproductive
>services for men and women, including the right to continue or
>terminate a pregnancy. We oppose any forms of coerced sterilization."
>The "full range" of services would be free to all residents (not
>citizens) of the U.S. as part of a comprehensive public health
>insurance scheme.

Doug, please do note that I expressed no criticism of The Labor Party, only a labor party that did not commit itself free access to abortion. I am wondering why Max described this as less than full and open support for abortion. It seems that Cockburn is not be blamed for the confusion here but LP member Max who may not want to carry the burden of the full LP program. By the way, will this full range of reproductive services include genetic screeing/engineering for parents in search of the perfect baby?

yours, rakesh

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