Hoskins on CM

jf noonan jfn1 at msc.com
Fri Aug 13 06:30:19 PDT 1999

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, James Farmelant wrote:

> Well, they didn't strictly ban the teaching of evolution.
> What they did was to eliminate from state curricula
> guidlines any requirements that evolution be taught as part
> of the science curricula. This in turn opens the door for
> local school boards in Kansas to eliminate the teaching of
> evolution in their school systems. One suspects and hopes
> that this will be struck down in the courts but in the mean
> time creationists and the religious right can with reason
> crow about this latest victory, as Kansas takes a big leap
> back to the Dark Ages.

Why would it be struck down in the courts? As you point out, they don't ban the teaching of evolution nor do they mandate the teaching of creationism -- what is there to strike down?


Joseph Noonan jfn1 at msc.com

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