
Peter Kilander peterk at enteract.com
Fri Aug 13 16:09:18 PDT 1999

>>Don't know of any analysis by wankers (economists). . . .

>In the annals of Wankerdom, surely sociology
>and ethnic studies must come in for some
>kind of honorable mentions.

no comparison.

Speaking of the wankerati, I heard Paul Krugman on the radio today - he has a new book out titled something like Depression Economics - and he had some interesting things to say. He admitted fault over his previous views on Brazil. He described the Asian crisis as basically a "bank run" and seems resigned to the fact that we have another doozy approaching like a freight train. Admirably, he made some attempts at humor - a little sugar to help the medicine go down. I would need to read some of his stuff to make a fully informed judgement, but it doesn't seem like he fully comprehends the political aspect of economics, i.e. he's paid little attention to Marx.

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