Hearsay on abortion

Michael Hoover hoov at freenet.tlh.fl.us
Sun Aug 15 10:39:07 PDT 1999

> What, exactly, is a "weenie"? And does it serve in this particular
> fragment of discourse to place the original speaker, AC of Petrolia,
> Calif., in a presumably hegemonic authentic pure rural
> masculinist/individualistic discursive standpoint, disparaging the
> interpellated "weenie" as the inhabitant of a disparaged realm of
> impurity, artifice, gender ambiguity, and weakness?
> Doug

to *ween* means to hold an opinion, doesn't it? and *weeny* is tiny

so take your pick, you're:

a. an opinionated person living in an urban area. b. a person of slight physical stature living in an urban area c. a person living in an urban area whose opinions are insignifcant d. a small person with small opinions living in an urban area

your second question is much less interesting, Michael Hoover

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