Brown Stuff

Carl Remick cremick at
Tue Aug 17 11:59:04 PDT 1999

> I read through this article twice, and failed to find one single fact
> about the science of GE, only some internecine strife amongst
> scientists, companies and protesters. I don't mean to be picky, but we
> seem to be going over the same ground again and again. Scientific
> evidence usually means findings about nature, not journalism about
> scientists.

Read it again. The issue concerns conflicts of interest, not a difficult principle to understand. Clearly, anyone preparing a report on a controversial novel technology under the aegis of a federal agency must meet a "Caesar's wife" level of credibility. Since the author of this forthcoming study, Dr. Michael Phillips, has violated the ethical rules of the National Academy of Sciences by accepting a job at the Biotechnology Industry Organization, he has compromised the integrity of the NAS and cast doubt on the veracity of the study's findings.


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