gentrification (furthermore on institutions)

Jim Westrich westrich at
Tue Aug 17 13:06:29 PDT 1999

While it is an aside to the original topic I think an important to add another historical bit to my previous post. While everyone is familiar with the crime and horror of the buying and selling of people as slaves in the US South; few are familiar with the practice (popular in the Northeast until 1820) of the selling at public auction of "mentally afflicted, aged paupers, sick poor, and the mentally distracted" to the *lowest* bidder. That's right, those who offered to take responsibility at the lowest price won the day. Now doesn't this sound awfully familiar. See the excellent *The Mentally Ill in America* by Albert Deutsch (1949: Columbia U. Press) for details.



"If I were Prince, I should take this child to the Molda River and drown him"

--Martin Luther to the Princes of Saxony and Anhalt after spotting a child he called "massa carnis" (mass of flesh) on a visit to Dessau. *Luther's Works*, No. 5207, 1531.

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