political practice [was ebonics; was anecdotage]

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Aug 24 11:53:11 PDT 1999

At 12:20 PM 8/24/99 -0400, Yoshie wrote:
>Wojtek wrote:
>Please write about both (a) and (b), but I ask you and Kelley to base your
>posts upon empirical evidence (of preferably the kind that relies upon
>quantitative analysis), not anecdotes that have only symbolic values of
>therapy or entertainment.
>I'm holding my breath.


If you want some "hard numbers" then I suggest counting (a) the number of postings to m-fem, lbo-talk, pen-l, psn and kindred listservs serving the campus left that deal with one of the following: the role of this or that -ism (capitalism, racism, sexism, neoliberalism - you get the drift, right?) and kindred abstractions in causing an empirically observable phenomenon (usually reported by the mass media), a diatribe against this or that -ism, a rebuttal of the diatribe mentioned in the previous item, the 'proper' interpretation of a text written by someone else (usually having or aspiring to an intellectual celebrity status), the meaning of a term charged with emotive connotations, the meaning of an event reported (i.e. made salient) by the mass media, writing a text (an article, a letter, etc.) reporting on the author's feeling toward that event, etc.

and then counting (b) the number of postings that deal with one of the following: what are the political goals we as a group want to accomplish in a short and a long run, what is the priority of those goals, do we agree on the assortment of goals and their priorities, what is the probability of their attainment, what material/organizational resources do we need to attain them, what are other costs/requisites of their attainments, who are our friends and foes and why, what specific actions need to be taken and in what order to attain those goals - etc.

and then reporting back to us what is the ratio of (a) to (b). If you can up with a ratio less than 50% then I would admit that the campus Left is engaged primarily in political activism, rather than id politics, schmoozing, or plain academic hair splitting.

good luck with your data work


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