
Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Fri Aug 27 11:44:46 PDT 1999

A couple of people asked me to summarize my interview with Mr Stratfor, George Friedman, last night. Like Merrill Lynch, Friedman is bullish on America. He thinks our economy & empire are mighty. I asked him if he thought the American Century was going to last into the 21st, and he said that it'd be the beginning of the American millennium. He also thinks:

*Latin America is where Asia was in the early 70s - poised for a takeoff.

*Asia's got serious problems - overaccumulation of capital with a profitability crisis (he didn't use that phrase, but that's what he meant). They used to laugh at us for being so short-termist, while they were investing for the long term, but it hasn't worked out so well for them.

*The euro will break apart on the first recession, since you can't have one monetary policy for 11 countries.

*Some strong hands will take control of Russia, shoot Berezovsky & the oligarchs, and things could get ugly.

*South Africa will become a regional imperialist power.

*China and Russia will try to put together some alliance as a check on the U.S., but it ain't going to be easy.

*90% of their info comes from public sources. They get lots of info by email now that the world is well aware of them - about 20% of which is worthwhile, and about 80% of which is of "the Martians have landed" variety.


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