
Martin Schiller mart555 at inow.com
Sun Aug 29 09:56:06 PDT 1999

Carrol Cox said on 8/25/99 1:41 PM

>> >So the question
>> >Why the war on drugs? would become the question: Why are
>> >these effects desirable?

It seemed that the same filter can be used to view any action and I happened to be listening to KPFA. Judy Coburn was describing leadership disorganization at the Civil Rights Commission under Marion Frances Berry(sp). So, aside from the Pacifica/KPFA disagreeable sit, there is the question "Why are the effects (of having inept leadership at the Civil Rights Commission) desirable?" I don't know how appointments are made there, but when the question becomes "To who are the effects...desirable" it makes the history of the appointment of MFB worth investigation. Perhaps some investigative journalism by "The Nation"?


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