>the thing we never got to hear was what *really* caused the trouble in
>the first place.
Go to http://ask.com/ and ask 'Why did ATF move in on Koresh at Waco?' and you'll get a pointer to http://www.mnsinc.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/ which is an amusing guess for Jeeves. In there you'll see an incredibly detailed discussion of why Rules of Engagement is a hoax. Yes, a hoax.
Warning: the layers of conspiracy theorists can get pretty thick on the Internet.
How did it all start? I think it was an investigation into Koresh's gun business. The synopsis is that there was a power struggle at Mt. Carmel; the losers went to the authorities with tales of polygamy, illegal conversion of semi-automatic weapons to automatic ones and dealing in so-called "Type III" (full-auto) weapons without the proper permits, without paying the proper taxes. ATF isn't too cool about how to approach gun dealers for information about stuff like this, and their initial approach turned into a standoff.
Where it went from there is clearly a perfect story for the Internet.