FW: Reclaim Downtown

Lee Cassutt CassL at FOSTER.com
Fri Dec 3 08:59:42 PST 1999

Strike a real cord for democracy. Vote with your feet, vote with your dollars....... The Downtown Business response:

Subject: FW: Reclaim Downtown

As past chairman of the Downtown Seattle Association, I ask that you take Matt Griffin's message to heart and help reclaim our downtown!!!

-----Original Message----- From: Griffin, Matt [mailto:Matt at pinest.com] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 6:23 PM To: Jacobs, Linda (SEA); John Whitacre; Kurth, Don; Johnson, Lani; Kresovich, George; Kocher, Gary; 'Johnson, Gerry (SEA)'; King, Gordy; jackien; Jane Williams; Jeff.Clark; Jeff.Greer; Jeff Cleator; Jim Burk; James Hummer; jjleary; Jim Judson; John Kucher; Jannine McDonald; Jon Nordby; Joel Horn; 'Keegan, John'; John Parker; James Crutcher; Jude Chastain; Janeway, Kate; Keith Grinstein; Jacobsen, Kris (SEA); Kriss Sjoblom; Jarvis, Bill; Judith Runstad; 'Kotkins, Skip'; Kinsman, Tom; Johnson, Tony Subject: Reclaim Downtown

Many of you have echoed my disbelief, revulsion and fury at the trashing of our downtown. What happened was unconscionable. But the physical mayhem is behind us. Now it's time to reclaim downtown and let the merchants and businesses who were vandalized (usually, an uninsurable loss) and whose revenues evaporated, know that we're there for them.

If each of us could go out of our way to shop downtown, meet friends for dinner, schedule a party, just stroll the streets - tomorrow, this weekend, next week, we can make a difference. Bring your families. Give a lesson in civics. Let them know that destruction for destruction's sake won't be tolerated and that each of us is responsible for righting the wrongs that occurred. Acting collectively, we can return downtown to it's pre-WTO vibrance and help our hometown merchants recoup their momentum. Strike a real cord for democracy. Vote with your feet, vote with your dollars.

I hope you'll also forward this email on to a half dozen of your friends or around your firm. Thanks.

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