Review in The New Republic of The Black Book of Communism

Alexandre Fenelon sfenelon at
Sat Dec 4 12:38:31 PST 1999

At 08:31 04/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>TNR | The Price of an Idea by Michael Scammell
> On the argument of S. Courtois, and "class genocide". That was thephrase
>used by right-wing German historian, Ernest Nolte, in the "Historians
>Debate" in Germany in the mid-70's, that was an attempt by the right to
>"normalize" the Nazi experience and rehabilitate them as only trying to save
>the Christian West from the Godless Bolshevik Devils. From other reviews of
>the Courtois book, I gather that he was a Trotskyist back in the 60's?
>Anyone know details. Alain Krivine's group or some other splinter?
> Michael Pugliese
He was a Maoist, according to the information I've read on "The Black Book of Communism". There is a good article on this book in the World Socialist Web.


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