Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 9 07:02:30 PST 1999

>Logisitically NYC makes a lot of sense.
>A) Very high Union Density
>B) High Student Density
>C) Strong Activist Community
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>Very high Rudy density too. The unions would not
>support a "May Day" thing. It would be a radical
>show, and Rudy would crush it with glee.
>Fighting is good, but you want to pick fights
>that can be won.

Agreed, it's extremely unwise to underestimate that strutting son of a bitch Giuliani. OTOH, it's not a good idea to *overrate* his clout, either. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I believe Rudy's man-on-a-white-horse act is getting stale. E.g., IMO, his latest attempt to criminalize the homeless isn't playing too well around town. I persist in believing that NYC is a city that, at some level, has an instinctual preference for the underdog, and I think that spirit can be appealed to successfully if demonstrators are skillful enough.


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