dead topix - offlist

Brett Knowlton brettk at
Fri Dec 10 09:56:29 PST 1999

I will, of course, respect the wishes of the moderator. But I disagree with you on this.

When I see someone try to rationalize aggression as some kind of defensive action, it really pisses me off. How is defending soviet violence any different from defending US aggression?

I've seen Brad get bopped on the head, and rightfully so, when he hems and haws over US support of fascist and/or brutal authoritarian leaders after WWII and during the cold war. Sometimes you're the one doing the bopping. Those things happened a long time ago too.

I don't see any difference between the two cases, except perhaps that people who apologize for Soviet violence are considered to be on the left.

I guess I had to get that off my chest.


At 11:19 AM 12/10/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Certain topics deserve a final burial. Among those are the
>Nazi-Soviet pact, the class nature of the USSR (deformed or
>degenerated worker state? dunno Regis, what do you think?), and the
>Rosenbergs. These are not yet auto-taboo words, but they're getting
>mighty close. It's 1999, fer chrissakes, and for not much longer.
>Let's move on and leave these wrenching debates to the sectarians.

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