
Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Fri Dec 10 15:06:22 PST 1999

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Brad De Long wrote:
> >Clinton? Clinton's way, way down the list. Among recent U.S.
> >presidents, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and Bush have
> >all set in motion military actions that caused more deaths than
> >Clinton has...
> If you overlook the continuing embargo of Iraq.

And then there's Bob Rubin's Treasury Department, which sold the formerly booming Southeast Asia on the virtues of neoliberalism, and then screwed them with a vicious austerity package when the thing self-destructed (thus leaving Japan and the EU to clean up the mess). I've been reading some of the economic postmortems on places like Indonesia and Thailand, and it's really, *really* gruesome. Check out the carnage at:


Why drop bombs on pesky 3rd world countries when you can nuke their financial infrastructure instead?

-- Dennis

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