Nuclear weapons

Alexandre Fenelon sfenelon at
Mon Dec 13 17:31:53 PST 1999

At 19:09 13/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>This thread is a bit weird. Its always been my view that nukes should be
>eliminated, not spread around.

You're right, but we can't "uninvent things", so the only way to eliminate nukes is to develop a weapon that turns them uneffective. And, one more time, the monopoly of this weapon (maybe ABM systems) will be very dangerous to humanity

>Granted, there is something to be said for MAD and its deterrent effect. I
>can see how having a single country with nukes could be dicey. Perhaps
>having opposing nuclear superpowers really has saved lives which would
>otherwise have been lost in conventional battles. And it is certainly
>rational for a country to try to acquire nukes if its rival has them.

>Still, something can always go wrong, and the odds of somebody, somewhere
>using nukes again increases with each new country that develops these weapons.

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