> Like others, I sympathize with the plight of those who must live
>in our crumbling cities. We should help out those who live in these
>places, however, it would be unwise--in the long term--to support
>the idea of rebuilding our cities. Instead, we should support
> The reason why I support decentalization can be summed up in four
>words: weapons of mass destruction. As nucleur weapons become cheap
>and plentiful I fear it will be the end of civilization as we know
>it. As nucleur weapons spread, it will only be a matter of time
>befor the Osama Bin Laden's of the world get their hands on one. A
>heavily populated city like NY would make an attractive target for
>such an individual; therefore, leftists should support
>decentalization--the spreading out of large groups of people.
a/k/a sprawl? More cars, more highways, more fuel consumption...