Who Owns the Movement?

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Tue Dec 14 20:35:34 PST 1999

"Who Owns the Movement? Or: Since No One Owns the Movement, How Do We Have A Multi-Issue, Multi-Tactic Movement, Mutually Respectful and with Constituency Identities Preserved"

By Michael Albert the rest at: http://www.zmag.org/who_owns.htm

"How can peaceful marchers, those who engage in illegal civil disobedience, and those who engage in illegal acts of destroying corporate property coexist without turning on each other and detracting from the power of each other’s efforts?

How do we develop a broad movement that has many components in which no one component thinks it has a right to own the movement, but, instead, even with significant differences, room is opened for diverse modes of dissent, none supported by everyone, but all given room to function?

How do different constituencies with different views about tactics and strategy, all belong to one large movement, none stifled in their aspirations and experiments, yet none encroaching on the rest by their choices?

Indeed, how do we place this type mutual space and respect at the center of our movement efforts?"


see also: "Non-Violence, Trashing and Movement Strategy" http://www.zmag.org/trashing.htm

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