Who Owns the Movement?

Chuck0 chuck at tao.ca
Tue Dec 14 21:21:00 PST 1999

Doug Henwood wrote:

> So what's the answer?

As I pointed out to Albert, it's the wrong question. The worldwide N30 actions were organized via a NETWORK. Albert is looking at this with his rose-colored 1960s glasses. This is why most of the Left was caught be surprise by what happened in Seattle. Those of us involved in the June 18th network and the anarchist mileau were not surprised at all.

Or, as I discovered today when I attended the Trade Coalition's press conference at the National Press Club, James P. Hoffa and the reformist elements "own" the movement and will decide "what's next?"

What's next according to them? Keeping China out of the WTO.

Oh, and Hoffa playing kingmaker in the Democratic presidential race.


Smash the state and have a nice day,

-- Chuck0 http://flag.blackened.net/chuck0/home/

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