Grumpy lefties and VENONA

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Dec 16 12:22:20 PST 1999

Charles Brown wrote:

>And so said fairy tale in no way invalidates the specific
>hypothesis that the most reactionary sector of U.S. capital , so it
>concluded, had to resort to assassination of Kennedy and coup d'etat
>to hold on to power in the U.S.

Did they succeed by installing Johnson, or fail? Johnson did pass all the civil rights and social welfare legislation JFK couldn't. Or do you buy the Oliver Stone line that Kennedy wanted to end the war against Vietnam and therefore had to be killed?

I wish I could attach a clip of the Mekons singing "Insignificance."

"A word slips out of Dallas in 1963 Spawns an industry Conspiracy Initials 10 feet tall Just reinforce and underline Insignificance

If they can kill What could they do to me Stumbling into their attention..."

If They can kill JFK, might as well give up. What else can We do?


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