Sierra Club On It's WTO Activities

Patrick Bond pbond at
Sat Dec 18 04:27:31 PST 1999

Agreed, but Chip, don't Krebbers, Schoenmaker and their group throw the baby out with the bathwater? My understanding is that they have backed off all work on trade because of this danger; that's kind of pathetic, isn't it? Or Angela, you've got a different view?

On 18 Dec 99, at 6:49, Chip Berlet wrote:
> Don't do alliances with Trent Lott and Pat Buchanan because their theocratic
> authoritarianism and bigotry leaves a malodorous whiff of clerical fascism.
> There is a difference between similar action and coalition. These folks would
> toss a large portion of a potential progressive coalition overboard, as noted in
> the text from Krebbers and Schoenmaker, below. Just what is Ralph Nader doing
> promoting a working coalition with union-busters like the Milliken family (major
> John Birch Society funders through advertising) and the US Business and
> Industrial Council? These are not our allies. Remember the disasterous folly of
> the Sierra Club briefly falling for the siren song of anti-immigrant bigotry,
> which took a swift kick from the Political Ecology Group to refocus?
> <<start clip>>
> "Seattle '99, wedding party of the left and the right?"
> by Eric Krebbers and Merijn Schoenmaker
> (De Fabel van de illegaal, Netherlands)

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