Sierra Club On It's WTO Activities

JC Helary helary at
Fri Dec 17 11:29:11 PST 1999

> I fail to see what is conventional about asking
> why nobody is demanding that US exports of environmentally
> damaging goods (like SUVs) be halted. Indeed, this
> points up the one-sided hypocrisy (or more accurately
> in most cases, ignorance) of most of those involved.
> Barkley Rosser


Who do you call nobody ? Countries ? NGOs ? Individuals ?

I live a few hours from Kyoto by train and I can tell you that there are a lot of people around here who are very concerned with the US no giving a damn about what happend here a few years ago. I was in Paris for 2 weeks in September and I attended a meeting organized by ATTAC (check the Nation, they have an article called 'Seattle from the Seine' I think, where Daniel Singer talks about them), there were more than a thousand person in the hall, all different kind of groups. And environmental issues were (are) one of their first concern because they are linked to all the stuff the wto is about.

Now, you fail to notice that Seattle is not exactly in the suburbs of Paris, or Kyoto for that matter, and that groups in the US may have slightly different concerns than their European/Japanese counterparts (not even to mention LCDs, but I have to admit I don't know anything about activism there).

As Carrol mentions in a previous mail, it is not so much the ignorance of the people who participated that matters, but the fact that _now_ they will start to be aware of things. So maybe the hypocrits think they can get by with their crap, but only until the ignorants know.


Jean Christophe Helary

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