Sierra Club On It's WTO Activities

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Sat Dec 18 08:34:06 PST 1999

. . . "Whatever else you say about Pat Buchanan, he will be the only candidate in the 2000 presidential sweepstakes who will passionately and unconditionally defend the legitimate expectations of working families in the global economy," Dolan writes. . . .

Insane outrageous bullshit.

Wait, let me tell you how I really feel . . .

It is one thing to try to peel working class people away from the rightist opposition to WTO/IMF/WB. It's another to legitimate PB. Totally unnecessary.

Regarding nixing and fixing, fixing is not a tenable option now, so nixing is the right position. In this context, there should be no qualms about blocking with the right to increase the nix pressure. The comment about colluding with Trent Lott and PB is off-base because there are two different, opposed forces in question. Lott is not into nixing or fixing, so there is no common ground with him at all. By contrast, many on the right are into nixing, a factor that should be exploited. This need not imply annointing PB in any special way.


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