Anarchism vs. Marxism-Leninism: Marxism-Leninism wins !

Alexandre Fenelon sfenelon at
Wed Dec 22 12:45:08 PST 1999

At 10:06 22/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>>> Alexandre Fenelon <sfenelon at> 12/21/99 05:24PM >>>
>At 16:06 21/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>CB: Well, capitalism hasn't been democratic up until now either. With all
the genocide, racism, fascism, imperialism, male supremacy, McCarthyism, economic dictatorship of the history of capitalism, socialism didn't do worse than capitalism from the standpoint of democracy. Elections do not define democracy. And even elections are completely corrupt in most capitalist countries in the sense that money rules elections more and more efficiently.

I agree with you partially. The capitalist democracy is corrupt and class ruled. But socialist countries had no democracy at all, and I think democracy is essential for socialism works. Trotsky, in his history of Russian Revolution, defined socialism as "an economy planified to fulfill human necessities". Well, people must be allowed to say what are those necessities, otherwise, socialism will end in bureaucratic rule. This only can happens in a democracy, with free press (but the press cannot be owned by bosses) and political pluralism. I wonder if non socialist parties could be allowed. Probably not in the early phases, but latter...


>CB: Yes, we need 100 Chavez's maybe, so that imperialism can't keep up with
all of them. Socialism in fact but not in name ?

I'm not so optimistic. I think his way to change the constitution is a good idea, but I don't know if he intends to build socialism in Venezuela.


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