Vamping on Work and Class (was: History....)

d-m-c at d-m-c at
Wed Feb 3 19:10:53 PST 1999

>But you missed the really apropos angle for our ongoing discussions: the
>news that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are developing a dramatic
>presentation of "A People's History Of The United States" for FOX-TV.

Oh, this actually sounds thrilling. What a teaching tool! I'm thrilled!! Oh but my, in the meantime I'd like to see (eventually) some discussion of Good Will Hunting and Titanic and the representations of class and class warfare therein. Now, there's a thread. And, the cherry on top: gorgeous hunks o man and womanhood to inspire us, to boot. Speaking of which, can anyone explain to me why Steve Dorff has been recently considered the hunk o the moment. I watched Blade the other night and I can sort of see why, but he hasn't been in anything else has he? NOw Paul, ya gotta see the dark and dismal Blade and my son's fave hero Wesley Snipes very self-ironically hip and cool version of the Vampire Slayer. I wanna see some comparative analysis to Buffy. Oh and that reminds me, one of my side little projects to keep my spirits cheered is working with a pal on a critical theoretical examination of the political economy and work in the Vampire Genre. Any thoughts Paul? Esp w/ regard to Buffy


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