Sam: a search of her writing over the last few years brings up more than one NR article. I don't know her that well, but I have read her schtick on cosmopolitanism in For Love of Country. That seems like a very "liberal" well-meaning, ie. overly simple mainstream, watered-down version of the concept, un-interested in distinguishing itself from colonialist history and the "white man's burden" and uninterested thus in Butler's response in the same book that cautionsthat any idea of a 'universal' or the 'cosmopolitan' is itself socio-historically specific and should be read carefully as such (the idea of cosmpolitanism and moral universalism is not the same for a Marxist as it is for a Christian of the Middle Ages as it is for a capitalist). A much more compelling idea of the need for cosmpolitan politics and education, IMHO, issues from soneone like Doreen Massey in _Space, Place, and Gender_. Massey starts with globalization and the assumption that a non-cosmo education is violently ideological (in covering up the material inequalities of global capital). Or as Henri Lefebvre wrote: "space is conceals." But I digress... Jayson
-- jayson perry harsin Dept. of Communication Studies Northwestern University j-harsin at (773)508-4062 WNUR's Southbound Train 89.3 fm Sundays 9:00-11:00 p.m. (listen on the Net at Who are you indeed who would talk
or sing to America? Have you studied out the land,
its idioms and men?--Walt Whitman