Organizing then and now (Re: Abortion Rights: Marxists and Liberals

Frances Bolton fbolton at
Sun Feb 7 20:26:28 PST 1999

Nathan writes:
>Having gone through the mobilizations around Prop 187 and Prop 209 in
>California, I find it bizarre to hear anyone claiming "nothing" serious is
>going on in the organizing sphere. In the last four years, the Latino
>community went through a wholesale political transformation - a mass
>mobilization that moved the state from an anti-immigrant majority to
>a latino in as not only Speaker of the state assembly but in the minority
>leader position of the GOP. Communities in latino and asian neighborhoods
>were mobilized in completely new ways.


Whoops. I know I sort of said that nothing serious is going on, but that's not what I meant. I meant to say that today's activists aren't getting the same impressive-looking victories as other generations did. The Prop. 209 mobilzation was sort of a mess, I think.

Speaking of creepy california politics, your man Ward Connerly is here in FL. He's come to take our affirmative action away. Our Republican gov. Jeb! Bush seems somewhat nervous about the whole thing. He can't openly support Connerly, because all his support in the Black community would evaporate. At the same time, if bro. George riuns for Pres., it's goning to hurt him if his little brother is seen as a pinko affirmative action lovin up with people kinda guy. The local paper is betting that Jeb! is going to sit back, not support Connerly, but not oppose him, either. Hey MICHAEL HOOVER what do you think of the chances of carpetbagger Connerly?


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