March, 1997, I think.
For those of you who live in/near Columbus, Ohio (anyone besides Tom?), here's an announcement.
***Debate on the U.S. Mission to the Former Yugoslavia***
Peace-keeping or Domination? 1. Roles of the U.S. military, NATO, and the U.N. 2. U.S. diplomatic initiatives (Lisbon settlements, Vance/Owen plans, Dayton accords, & Kosovo negotiations) 3. Ultimate objectives of U.S. policy (economic, military, & geopolitical)
Monday, March 1 7:30 PM EA 0160 (attached to the Math Tower) Ohio State University 209 W. 18th Ave. Columbus, OH
The speakers will be Dr. Barry Letuchy and Lt. Col. Jeffrey White.
Barry Letuchy teaches modern European history at CUNY and heads the Coalition Against Western Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia. He organized the First International Conference and Exhibition on the Jasenovac Concentration Camp.
Lieutenant Colonel White is studying the ramifications of and the problems with peace-keeping, peace enforcement, and peace-building at the Mershon Center for International Security and Public Policy. He has actively served over 20 years in Marine Corps and participated in operations in all theaters, most recently to provide air power for the Bosnia Peacekeeping effort.
For more information, call Mark Stansbery (of the Community Organizing Center) at 614-252-9255.
Sponsored by the Student International Forum and the Mershon Center.