Hitchens- With Friends Like This...

Rob Schaap rws at comserver.canberra.edu.au
Sun Feb 28 23:10:49 PST 1999

G'day Nathan,

Dont' wanna make you cross, but I agree with most of this, and with feeling.

So even David Horowitz gets it right once in a while ... one has to feel one's politics intensely to keep left ... the demands we tend to make of ourselves, in the name of 'solidarity', are just too narrow, too irksome, and too bloody tyrannical. They don't just make most of us lonely impotent little ragers against the world, emitting spiteful little fartlets in the thunderstorm of neo-liberal hegemony - they rob us of the rejuvenating warmth of comradeship, humour and hope.

I sadly predict a backlash of the 'Cockburn-is-a-snitch' variety - all while Rome burns around us ...

Cheers, Rob

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