Rorty and a note on 'clarity'and comay

Sat Jan 2 08:37:19 PST 1999

In a message dated 98-12-29 00:41:58 EST, you write:

<< > Logical Positivism is not the enemy. The Vienna Circle were all progressives, Neurath

> was a Marxist.

i didn't say logical positivism was the enemy. but i do think it is pretty vapid stuff.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only fan of logical positivism on the list. I'm not an LP, of course, no one is anymore. But the LPs--one of whom, Carl Hempel, wasa teacher of mine, were first rate minds who showed by example how to engage in a firsdt rate collaberative program of intellectual work. LP wasn't right, but it _deserved_ to be right, and it exploded because its chief exponents had canvasxsed it thoroughly enough to show that one had to go beyond it. As for vapidity, I guess that's in the eye of the beholder. With the LPs, it's not in my eye. "Profound" is the word thatr comes to my mind, actually. These were people who had explored the presuppositions and consequences of important intutions thoroughly enoughs o you could see qhere they wenr and lucidly enough so that you could understand the result.


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