Ehrenreich on fun

Liza Featherstone lfeather32 at
Tue Jan 5 04:56:43 PST 1999

as for the hair-shirt thread, I completely agree that the left has a big problem with fun -- food, buying stuff, sex, movies, parties, clothes, making things look nice, whatever. I liked the BE piece. I also think, happily, this whole puritanical ethos is dying out and that the left is gradually (very gradually) loosening up a bit and developing more helpful analyses of pleasure and um, having a little more fun. I attribute this to a couple of things: changes in feminism (the "pro-sex" folks basically won the very bitter sex wars over pornography and other stuff, and in general feminism has become a lot more culturally diverse which has helped it to shed much or mostof its anti-sex and mandatory bad dressing baggage); cultural studies in academia -- much theorizing about the pleasures of pop culture, etc; more perpsectives from cultures which unlike Anglo-Americans, don't necessarily equate deprivation and sacrifice with virtue. tho of course the hair-shirt thing still exists -- just look at all the hardcore vegetarians and vegans that still populate campus progressive circles ( which has often seemed to me like middle-class girl food anxiety masquerading as politics).

one thing I thought was odd about the BE piece was the notion that the right is better on fun. doesn't everyone think the party's elsewhere? I think one of the things the right hate even about right-wing liberals like Clinton is that they seem to have too much fun. I mean, sure the Christian right can throw a good revival meeting, but in terms of what they actually believe about fun (sex for instance), you couldn't ask for a colder shower. the anti-fun sentiment on the left is at least contested, ambiguous, and a matter usually more of innuendo and implication than Biblical text.


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