Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Mon Jan 4 15:47:31 PST 1999

Ah, so my memory is not as bad as I feared. For some bizarre reason, Louis P didn't type in the whole FBI file on Malcolm Little from 5/17/61. Here it is (some standard abbreviations are used; what is below is de facto verbatim):

[Bureau Deletion] advised on Jan 30, 1961, that certain Klan officials met with leaders of the NOI on the night of Jan 28, 1961, in Atlanta, GA. One of these NOI identified himself as Malcolm X of New York, and it was the source's understanding that Malcolm X cliamed to have hundred seventy give thousand followers who were complete separationists, were interested in land and were soliciting the aid of the Klan to obtain land. During this meeting subject stated that his people wanted complete segregation from the white race, and that land obtained would be occupied by them and they would maintain their own businesses and government. Subject further stated that the Jew is behind the integration movement, using the Negro as a tool. Subject was further quoted as stating that his people would do anything to defend their beliefs and promote their cause and in his opinion there would be violence some day. Subject was further quoted as saying at this meeting that if one of his people went against their teachings, he would be destroyed. Subject also stated that if his people were faced with the situation that the white people of Georgia now face, that traitors, meaning those who assisted the integration leaders, would be eliminated."

In Clayborne Carson, Malcolm X: The FBI File. Intro by Spike Lee. NY: Carrol and Graf Publishers, 1991.

In the next entry from which Louis P also selectively quoted, we find:

"He explained that LENIN was of the yellow race descending from the Mongols and STALIN descending from Semitic Arabs and a Muslim mixture with dark skin. The Americans who are white will fight the Russians because they are non white; it will be race against race and we American black men will support the Russians. We will all the white men in the United States."

For more on the race theory of history, see Thomas Trautman, Aryans and British India (just out); Ernst Cassirer's chapter in The Myth of State; Georg Lukacs' chapter in Destruction of Reason; Jacques Barzun's old study on race and superstition.


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